Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 34

Realised that a few white heads have started to arise from my nose, it was easy to scrub it off. Just a simple wipe with a tissue, will get off them. It was really weird though. I didn't have any in the morning but when I looked at the mirror in the afternoon, I saw a few white heads sticking out on my nose.

Aside from that, not much dryness but I do have slight dry lips now. My acne/pimples is still the same, if not more or less worse than Day-31. Perhaps, I got bumped up to 40mg now which made me have a few more breakouts. Some are red and angry, some are new and coming to surface.

I can't wait till my face literally stops breaking out..................... It's almost Week 6. Time flies.

P.S - I do notice that Oratane/Accutane leaves scars....

Saturday 17 March 2012

Day 31

Met up with the Doctor today. I'm going to have my 2nd blood test (2nd month) for Oratane tomorrow. Will have to do fasting - meaning I can't eat or drink for 8 hours before the blood test. My dosage have been upp'd from 20mg to 40mg. I am happy! I didn't ask my Doctor to upp it but he did anyways which I am glad because I haven't really experienced much side effects aside from the slight dry to normal lips, and slight to normal dry face.  

It's the beginning of Month 2 and I'm still breaking out, experiencing the 'initial breakout'. I just want my skin to stop breaking out and recover but whenever I wash my face, I still feel as if there are gonna be a few more breakouts to occur because of the bumps beneath my skin. 

All the best for those on Oratane or Accutane.

Note: My first month of Oratane was 20mg. Now my second month of Oratane has been upp'd to 40mg. 40mg journey awaits me now.

Friday 16 March 2012

Day 30

Same as Day-29 but feeling slightly better. My face is still the same I guess.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 29

More outbreaks, painful big ones. But I do notice that my forehead acne/pimples is slowly decreasing. I have noticed that I have been having mood swings lately. It's like I get angry easily, a little thing can provoke me. Sometimes, I feel upset for no reason too. It's like I think way too much -over thinking-. I get stress as well. Just really emotional. I hope I go back to my normal self soon and that it has nothing to do with Oratane but it seems like it.

It's not that serious but it's really getting me somehow, little by little, day by day.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Monday 12 March 2012

Day 26

Same as Day-25. Worse. Had to squeeze out a few whitehead.

Signing off,


Sunday 11 March 2012

Day 25

Breakouts has gone worse than before. More breakouts...actually. Still the same. No changes. Slight to normal dry lips.

Signing off,


Saturday 10 March 2012

Day 24

Took 2 x 20mg pills (40mg) yesterday by accident because I forgot I already took it in the morning yet took it in the afternoon. Decided to skip eating one 20mg pill today to make up for yesterday. However, I do realised my skin did get slightly better when I woke up this morning after eating 40mg yesterday.

Signing off,


Friday 9 March 2012

Day 23

Same as Day-21. No changes.

Signing off,


P.S - Just realised that I accidentally took 2 x 20mg pills yesterday so my dosage was 40mg for Day-23. I woke up today (Day-24) and saw that my face slightly improved. I guess I should skip Day-24's 20mg because I took two yesterday. I hope nothing is wrong.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 21

Forehead is slightly better but its still the same. One side of my forehead still has angry red acne/pimples. My cheeks however, are getting worse and worse. I can feel acne/pimples surfacing, it is sore.

My lips aren't that dry as I thought it would be. However, my face feels 'tight'. Not dry. Maybe cos I'm only on 20mg.

Signing off,


Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 20

Same as Day-19 except a couple of whiteheads plus a few new breakouts.

Signing off,


Monday 5 March 2012

Day 19

Yup. Same breakouts as Day-18 but even worse? How can it be..... I remember when I mentioned on Day-17 that I had slight breakouts on my lower jaw and lower cheek area? Well, both sides (left and right of my face) have become angry big acne/pimples. This morning, one of them on my jaw didn't have a white head and when I came home, it had a white head. How embarrassing, talking to people who stares at your acne/pimples/whiteheads/whatnots. Sigh.

Signing off,


Sunday 4 March 2012

Day 18

The worst 'initial breakout' ever. I believe it's going to get even more worse. Big sighs. My family members told me to stop wearing makeup because it won't cover up my acne/pimples on my face. People will still see my flaws but I just can't help it but to wear makeup because I have no choice. It somewhat makes me feel better when I cover it up, even if it does look cakey on my face.

I wish I had perfect skin that didn't need to be covered up by makeup. I wish I can just go out of my house without having to worry what people will think about my skin.

Tired of wearing makeup to cover my face. I can't wait till this 'initial breakout' is over but I don't see it coming soon because when I wash my face, I feel all these bumps coming to surface on my cheeks (which I hardly get acne/pimples) and that is what I felt for my lower jaw and now I'm experiencing big angry acne/pimples on my lower jaw. Argh. Acne/pimples. :(

I wish I can just stay at home and never go out but I have uni. Also, I feel so disgusted at myself when I see the mirror and I feel 'sorry' for the guy who I like and the guy who likes me because of the way I look. Argh.

Back to studying.

Signing off,


Saturday 3 March 2012

Day 17

Fml. Lower jaw/bottom cheek area is having a slight breakout, acne/pimples coming to surface. A few whiteheads. My forehead is the worse.

My lips are dry. Other than that, nothing else.

Signing off,


P.S - Having a splitting headache now, not sure if its related to Oratane or not.

Friday 2 March 2012

Day 16

More outbreaks on my forehead, angry big red ones. Sore. And my cheeks are starting to flare up with acne/pimples. :(

Signing off,


Thursday 1 March 2012

Day 15

More breakouts...................breakouts from yesterday, became bigger. I couldn't stand it cos it hurts. I popped a few..................

My lips are DRY now. I just cracked my lips and it bled. I just hope my skin will clear soon but it seems impossible, because I feel like my whole face is pimply. You know, washing your face, its sore and really bumpy. That's when you know, your going to have a pimple. Well, that's what my whole face feels like.

I had an acquaintance from uni asked me, 'what happened to your forehead?'. I'm not hurt, neither am I offended. I just wish people who are curious should just keep it to themselves. It was hard explaining that I was in a medication called 'Oratane'.

Aside from that, my face is getting WORSE when I didn't think it would get any worse, it DID.

Signing off,