Sunday 1 April 2012

Day 45

More outbreaks. Super dry lips. Must put lipbalm before opening my mouth when I first wake up else the sides of my lips will crack.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 34

Realised that a few white heads have started to arise from my nose, it was easy to scrub it off. Just a simple wipe with a tissue, will get off them. It was really weird though. I didn't have any in the morning but when I looked at the mirror in the afternoon, I saw a few white heads sticking out on my nose.

Aside from that, not much dryness but I do have slight dry lips now. My acne/pimples is still the same, if not more or less worse than Day-31. Perhaps, I got bumped up to 40mg now which made me have a few more breakouts. Some are red and angry, some are new and coming to surface.

I can't wait till my face literally stops breaking out..................... It's almost Week 6. Time flies.

P.S - I do notice that Oratane/Accutane leaves scars....

Saturday 17 March 2012

Day 31

Met up with the Doctor today. I'm going to have my 2nd blood test (2nd month) for Oratane tomorrow. Will have to do fasting - meaning I can't eat or drink for 8 hours before the blood test. My dosage have been upp'd from 20mg to 40mg. I am happy! I didn't ask my Doctor to upp it but he did anyways which I am glad because I haven't really experienced much side effects aside from the slight dry to normal lips, and slight to normal dry face.  

It's the beginning of Month 2 and I'm still breaking out, experiencing the 'initial breakout'. I just want my skin to stop breaking out and recover but whenever I wash my face, I still feel as if there are gonna be a few more breakouts to occur because of the bumps beneath my skin. 

All the best for those on Oratane or Accutane.

Note: My first month of Oratane was 20mg. Now my second month of Oratane has been upp'd to 40mg. 40mg journey awaits me now.

Friday 16 March 2012

Day 30

Same as Day-29 but feeling slightly better. My face is still the same I guess.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 29

More outbreaks, painful big ones. But I do notice that my forehead acne/pimples is slowly decreasing. I have noticed that I have been having mood swings lately. It's like I get angry easily, a little thing can provoke me. Sometimes, I feel upset for no reason too. It's like I think way too much -over thinking-. I get stress as well. Just really emotional. I hope I go back to my normal self soon and that it has nothing to do with Oratane but it seems like it.

It's not that serious but it's really getting me somehow, little by little, day by day.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Monday 12 March 2012

Day 26

Same as Day-25. Worse. Had to squeeze out a few whitehead.

Signing off,


Sunday 11 March 2012

Day 25

Breakouts has gone worse than before. More breakouts...actually. Still the same. No changes. Slight to normal dry lips.

Signing off,


Saturday 10 March 2012

Day 24

Took 2 x 20mg pills (40mg) yesterday by accident because I forgot I already took it in the morning yet took it in the afternoon. Decided to skip eating one 20mg pill today to make up for yesterday. However, I do realised my skin did get slightly better when I woke up this morning after eating 40mg yesterday.

Signing off,


Friday 9 March 2012

Day 23

Same as Day-21. No changes.

Signing off,


P.S - Just realised that I accidentally took 2 x 20mg pills yesterday so my dosage was 40mg for Day-23. I woke up today (Day-24) and saw that my face slightly improved. I guess I should skip Day-24's 20mg because I took two yesterday. I hope nothing is wrong.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 21

Forehead is slightly better but its still the same. One side of my forehead still has angry red acne/pimples. My cheeks however, are getting worse and worse. I can feel acne/pimples surfacing, it is sore.

My lips aren't that dry as I thought it would be. However, my face feels 'tight'. Not dry. Maybe cos I'm only on 20mg.

Signing off,


Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 20

Same as Day-19 except a couple of whiteheads plus a few new breakouts.

Signing off,


Monday 5 March 2012

Day 19

Yup. Same breakouts as Day-18 but even worse? How can it be..... I remember when I mentioned on Day-17 that I had slight breakouts on my lower jaw and lower cheek area? Well, both sides (left and right of my face) have become angry big acne/pimples. This morning, one of them on my jaw didn't have a white head and when I came home, it had a white head. How embarrassing, talking to people who stares at your acne/pimples/whiteheads/whatnots. Sigh.

Signing off,


Sunday 4 March 2012

Day 18

The worst 'initial breakout' ever. I believe it's going to get even more worse. Big sighs. My family members told me to stop wearing makeup because it won't cover up my acne/pimples on my face. People will still see my flaws but I just can't help it but to wear makeup because I have no choice. It somewhat makes me feel better when I cover it up, even if it does look cakey on my face.

I wish I had perfect skin that didn't need to be covered up by makeup. I wish I can just go out of my house without having to worry what people will think about my skin.

Tired of wearing makeup to cover my face. I can't wait till this 'initial breakout' is over but I don't see it coming soon because when I wash my face, I feel all these bumps coming to surface on my cheeks (which I hardly get acne/pimples) and that is what I felt for my lower jaw and now I'm experiencing big angry acne/pimples on my lower jaw. Argh. Acne/pimples. :(

I wish I can just stay at home and never go out but I have uni. Also, I feel so disgusted at myself when I see the mirror and I feel 'sorry' for the guy who I like and the guy who likes me because of the way I look. Argh.

Back to studying.

Signing off,


Saturday 3 March 2012

Day 17

Fml. Lower jaw/bottom cheek area is having a slight breakout, acne/pimples coming to surface. A few whiteheads. My forehead is the worse.

My lips are dry. Other than that, nothing else.

Signing off,


P.S - Having a splitting headache now, not sure if its related to Oratane or not.

Friday 2 March 2012

Day 16

More outbreaks on my forehead, angry big red ones. Sore. And my cheeks are starting to flare up with acne/pimples. :(

Signing off,


Thursday 1 March 2012

Day 15

More breakouts...................breakouts from yesterday, became bigger. I couldn't stand it cos it hurts. I popped a few..................

My lips are DRY now. I just cracked my lips and it bled. I just hope my skin will clear soon but it seems impossible, because I feel like my whole face is pimply. You know, washing your face, its sore and really bumpy. That's when you know, your going to have a pimple. Well, that's what my whole face feels like.

I had an acquaintance from uni asked me, 'what happened to your forehead?'. I'm not hurt, neither am I offended. I just wish people who are curious should just keep it to themselves. It was hard explaining that I was in a medication called 'Oratane'.

Aside from that, my face is getting WORSE when I didn't think it would get any worse, it DID.

Signing off,


Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 14

More............breakouts. Noticeable dry lips.

Signing off,


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Day 13

Same as Day-12. Except more outbreaks.................................. Also, when I wash my face with lukewarm water, my cheeks feel 'sensitive to dry'.

And I notice my lips is starting to get dry...

Signing off,


Monday 27 February 2012

Day 12

Same as Day-11.

Signing off,


P.S - I think I may be breaking out on my both my jawlines soon and also my cheeks? Well, feels like it when I wash my face.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 11

I feel like I'm growing horns on my forehead. Yes, I'm experiencing more outbreaks. I couldn't stand my acne/pimple, they are big and red! I even put anti-blemish spot gel on these suckers, hoping they will calm down because uni starts tomorrow. Oh dear, is this really the 'initial breakout'?

I am not experiencing any side effects.. No dry skin? Hardly any dry lips.. Only sometimes when I wake up, I will get slight-to-normal dry lips.

But I do notice that when I do my liquid foundation on, the tip of my nose gets dry and flakey. Other than that, I am fine. Also....I've been noticing that my nose looks really rough in the mirror. All my blackheads are appearing on my nose. Horrible.
I hope all is well for uni tomorrow and nobody asks me 'what happened to your skin during the holidays?'

Signing off,


P.S - Lately, I have been noticing that every little thing gets to me. Like I get so emotional and moody at times.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 10

Finally! Woke up this morning and I had slightly DRY lips.
However...........I realised that I have a habit of scratching my face when I sleep. Woke up to my acne/pimple slightly inflamed. --oh dear-- But somehow, some big ones are slightly decreased. 

I'll just have to tie my both wrist with a hair tie. So I'll not scratch my face at night, being half asleep or asleep.

No changes in my face. Still producing oil. Still breaking out.

Signing off,


P.S - I notice on some days, I get dry eyes. And yes, I do wear contacts/glasses. Ever since Oratane, I've stopped wearing contacts. Better to be safe than sorry lol.

Friday 24 February 2012

Day 9

Had lunch, and took my 9th Oratane pill.
Just looked into the mirror, my face is still pimply (same old same old, as previous days. Refer to Day-7 or 8). A few more new outbreaks on my forehead and one big acne/pimple near my chin/right jaw.

Uni starts less than 2 days but whatever. I can do this. Yesterday night, I cut my own side fringe to cover at least 80% of my pimply forehead which is experiencing breakout.... Actually my whole face is experiencing a breakout...not just my forehead. I'm not sure whether I'm experiencing the 'initial breakout' or not.. But I am getting new breakouts on some days, they come and go and they leave a red mark/scar behind.
Off topic, I used to have a straight and side fringe so it was easy for me to cut my own side swept fringe because I had the guideline to guide me. It took me a bloody half a year to grow out my fringe for a mature look but its my last resort. I knew I had to cut a fringe to look 'less' pimply and makeup would slightly cover up. This is a very informative Youtube video on cutting your fringe into a side swept bangs. (I love her videos!)

Signing off,


P.S - Hardly any dryness? And face is still producing oil?

Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 8

Finally, the start of Week 2!

I'm not experiencing any heavily dry lips. Just the occasional normal to slight dry lips. No dry skin? But I've been religiously putting lotion every time I finish having a shower. Also I have been drinking more than 2 litres of water per day. I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with drinking more than 2 litres of water during uni but I'll be ok. Will need to visit the toilet, always though. Kinda annoying but I'll be ok.
Just looked into the mirror, one of my big acne/pimple on my forehead has slightly decreased in size but it is still there. It comes and goes, I suppose. My face still looks the same, no changes from yesterday, Day-7.

What a horrible timing to have 'the time of the month' during Oratane but I'll just have to bear with it.

Signing off,


P.S - I might get a fringe just before uni starts. I need to cover my horrible forehead. I think it will make my face look less pimply. Sigh.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 7

Woke up this morning and the biggest acne/pimple on my forehead has slightly decreased (but it is still there) and most of the new acne/pimples that I have gotten from Oratane in the beginning has began to dry out.

Looked myself in the mirror before heading out and realised how bad my skin looked. Managed to use a compact powder foundation all over my face. Slightly bettter but still the same. Can't hide my acne/pimples and I don't dare to use a concealer since I'll be out for less than 2-3 hours.
Just came home, took off my makeup and washed my face. Feel so much better. I just love being at home. Also noticed when I was washing my face that the tiny bumps on my face has somewhat multiply on my laugh lines. Or am I thinking too much? Face is still full of acne/pimples and very very bumpy everywhere. --sigh--

Same, very slight dry lips (I think I can go without a lipbalm or I can apply less than 2x a day), dryness on the corners of my mouth is gone (perhaps it's due to Lucas PaPaws). Other than that, nothing.

Should I be glad or not?

Signing off,


Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 6

Last night of Day 5, I had a really bad headache. I couldn't sleep well because of the splitting headache. I'm not sure whether this has to do with Oratane or not but I hope not.
I woke up this morning with a new acne/pimple on my left jaw, it came with a whitehead. Aside from that, everything is fine. Also, I looked in the mirror and realised that my nose tip and the corners of my mouth are starting to flake. I never really had blackheads before Oratane but since then, my blackheads have been slightly noticeable. Also, my face (forehead, laugh lines and cheeks to be exact) is filled with skin coloured bumps (I had them before Oratane but it seems more noticeable). Looks as if they are coming up more on the surface making it more noticeable when I look in the mirror with daylight lighting. What a horrible bumpy complexion. I-feel-so-ugly.

Washing my face since starting Oratane has been horrible due to the soreness by gently rub on my face because of the acne/pimples and gently rubbing my face, feeling all these tiny bumps all over my face. Really made me miss my old days where I had clear skin, good complexion with no bumps whatsoever.

Was searching whether the skin coloured bumps are simply tiny pimple bumps or closed condomes, so I went and searched the correlation between "Accutane and Closed Condomes", apparently some on Accutane had cured closed condomes (meaning their closed condomes came to surface and became whiteheads/acne/pimples) --oh dear, I have a lot of those, does that mean I'll have more breakouts.....-- and others, still had closed condomes even till the end of their Accutane journey. I really hope that Oratane cures my skin coloured bumps, whatever they might be called in scientific terms. //crosses fingers//

Signing off,


P.S - no changes in oilier-face-than-usual.

Monday 20 February 2012

Day 5

I woke up this morning, haven't taken my 5th Oratane pill and I felt numb lips.

It was definitely a weird numb feeling on my lips as if I had some sort of injection on my upper and lower lips. Kinda like botox and I didn't get a good sleep last night either but I don't think it affected my numb lips. Also, I woke up during the night because I was just so thirsty. I was lazy to get out of bed to go to kitchen to get water, so I tried to get back to sleep in bed. Wrong move. After at least 10 minutes, I knew I had to get up. I was really thirsty by then. Drank 2 cups of water straight and went straight to bed. I fell asleep about half an hour later.

What a night. I think I lack of sleep at this very moment.

Just looked in the mirror, no changes.
Just took my 5th Oratane pill. I'll be heading out for the first time being on Oratane. Also, this is my first time wearing makeup on Oratane. Wearing Holika Holika's Aqua Petite Jelly BB Cream SPF 20+. Coverage: evens my skin tone yet have a sheer-cover. No coverage of my acne/pimples but its ok. I just want to even my skin tone - redness. I like this BB cream because it has a thin consistency and made out of 80% Aqua. Very light on the skin, breathable.

As soon as I came home, I quickly took of my makeup.
No changes still.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 4

No changes from my outbreaks since Day-1 of Oratane. However, I do have new outbreaks. Woke up this morning with pimple bumps.

Right jaw - pimple bumps coming to surface.

Left cheek - pimple bumps coming to surface.
Side effects: Slight dry lips (very minimal), thirsty than usual. Other than that, nothing?

Also, my face is less oily than the other day but its still oily. 

Signing off,


Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 3

No new breakouts. Just really oily skin, much much more oilier than usual. I'm not sure whether its because I switched my skincare from Clinique 3 Step System to a much gentle facial wash - Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Cleanser hence the very very oily skin?

My skin type is combination.
No changes on my new breakout from Day-2

"My forehead - no whitehead scoming to surface yet. Just new red big acne/pimple bumps on both side of my temples.

My left jaw - one big acne/pimple bump with a whitehead

My chin - one new big acne/pimple bump with a whitehead"

Except, my left jaw and chin are filled with big whiteheads which looked as if it can be popped any moment.

No side effects yet, I believe. 

Signing off,


P.S - I might want to up my dosage from 20mg to 40mg in the 2nd month of taking Oratane. :) 

Friday 17 February 2012

Day 2

It's Day 2 of taking Accutane/Oratane.

So, after taking the first pill (Day-1) in the afternoon. Before I slept at night, I could feel my forehead becoming tight? My face felt congested, I don't dare to touch my face. I washed my face with Cetaphil gentle cleansing wash followed by moisturiser and felt bumps on parts of my face (especially my forehead).

This early afternoon, I woke up and looked in the mirror. Yes my acne/pimples are still the same but I have a few sore acne/pimple coming to surface on my forehead, left jaw and chin. I'm not sure whether it's the Oratane or whether I had a pre-breakout before Oratane but either way, washing my face is kinda sore especially on the forehead.

As I'm typing this, I feel as if I have shit-loads of acne/pimples surfacing on my forehead. Hate the ones on my temples because it makes it even more sore?

Just looked in the mirror, seeing where all my new acne/pimples are situated at.

My forehead - no whiteheads coming to surface yet. Just new red big acne/pimple bumps on both side of my temples.

My left jaw - one new big acne/pimple bump with a whitehead

My chin - one new big acne/pimple bump with a whitehead
Overall, this is only Day 2. No side effects yet I believe? But I've been putting lipbalm every now and day and moisturiser everywhere after I shower.

Signing off,


P.S - Just looked at the mirror. Yes, I believe I am experiencing the pre-initial breakout and I also believe that I will get my initial breakout in a week's time. Uni starts in 10 days, oops. Hope all is well.

P.P.S - I realised my face is oilier than usual.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Skincare and makeup products I'm using on Oratane

Here's my skincare regime on Oratane.

Please note that these products are found in New Zealand and I couldn't find the whole range of Cetaphil because it is limited and quite pricey, and I also couldn't find Aquaphor.


Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser - For all skin types. Fragrance, soap and lanolin free, gentle on baby's skin, removes light makeup, non-comedogenic (won't block pores), helps skin retain moisture, pH balance, won't sting eyes, for face and body.

Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture (Sensitive) - For the face. Non-comedogenic (won't block pores), hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, alcohol-free.

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock SPF 85+ with Helioplex - Waterproof, sweatproof, non-comedogenic (won't block pores), oil-free and PABA-free.

The same products without sunscreen.

After putting Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock SPF 85+, I will move on to putting on Makeup.

[[--On days where I feel like 'covering' up my acne/pimples--]]

:: Holika Holika Aqua Petite Jelly BB Cream SPF 20+ 
- "This product contains over 80% healthy aqua. The moistful jelly texture on your skin is enriched with moisture, soaking into your skin and and clarifying your skin." Water resilient skin, cool and fresh even in Summer.


:: Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals ORIGINAL SPF 15 Foundation in Fair
- "Our ORIGINAL SPF Foundation gives you all the flawless coverage you want with a naturally luminous finish that won't clump or cake. It's clinically proven to improve the appearance of your skin over time. The creamy minerals diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles without drying out your skin. Its sikly, soft texture looks like a powder but feels like a cream and buffs on beautifully. Made with only the purest, highest quality ingredients. It's makeup so pure you can sleep in it."
[[--On days where I feel like wearing 'less' makeup--]]

:: Holika Holika Aqua Petite Jelly BB Cream SPF 20+ 
:: Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals ORIGINAL SPF 15 Foundation

Depends if I feel like wearing liquid or powder. But I will only pick ONE to use.
[[--Makeup remover--]]

Biore Makeup Remover


St. Ives Hydrating Vitamin E - Made with natural ingredients non-irritating, dermatologist tested, formulated without Parabens & Phthalates. :: I am going to use this in combination with the Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion. I'm not sure whether this is non-comedogenic (won't block pores), however I believe this is fine to use.

Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion - For all skin types. Fragrance, soap and lanolin free, gentle on baby's skin, removes light makeup, non-comedogenic (won't block pores), helps skin retain moisture, pH balance, won't sting eyes, for face and body. :: I'm going to use this for my body or face?, the places where I have dry patches.

Vaseline Petroleum Jelly - Use in the morning before putting any kind of lipbalm. Will put it in my bag and bring it everywhere with me, just incase.

Lipbalm - Will apply every now and then.

Lucas PaPaw Remedies Lucas' PaPaw Ointment - A local topical application for boils, burns, cahfing, cuts, cracked skin, gravel rash, splinters, open wounds, insect bites and nappy rash.

My second visit / Day 1

Just came back from the Doctors. My blood test results was fine, everything was normal except for the thyroid production? I'm not really sure. Had to take another blood test to test for Hypothyroidism cos apparently, I had lower than normal count?

After I left the Doctors, I went straight to the Labtest and took a blood test. It was one blood test tube for Hypothyroidism so that is good.

I am put on 20mg for first month. -16.02.12 Thursday - Day 1

And I will have another appointment with the Doctor in a month's time when I do finish 30 capsules of 20mg and I will most likely up it to 40mg. Meanwhile, I am happy with 20mg for now.

Just took the Oratane 20mg capsule, once a day. And, I feel fine haha. Obviously no effects yet. But will keep this blog updated.

Signing off,


Sunday 12 February 2012

Pre-oratane photos


Left cheek

Right cheek

Lighting may vary and frankly, I think my acne/pimples doesn't look as bad in pictures but in real's a different story. I realised, I have lots of tiny pimple bumps all over my face. 

Signing off,


Friday 10 February 2012

Blood test session

Didn't eat or drink straight after dinner, I was so thirsty but I managed. I woke up and went straight to the Labtest. The blood test was alright. It was quite quick. All I felt was the needle and the pressure draining my blood out of my system into the tubes. I had 2 blood test tubes taken.

Was told that it will take 2 working days to get my results. And my family doctor told me to book an appointment a week's time so I booked an appointment on the 16th of February Thursday which is most likely the day where I start on my Oratane medication. I can't wait but I am sorta dreading the initial breakout stage but it will be worth it in the end.

Signing off,


P.S - I will be posting up pictures of my acne before taking Oratane when I am free to take pictures and upload them on the computer.

Thursday 9 February 2012

My first visit

I had my first visit to the Doctor's on the 9th of February 2012, Thursday. I have finally made my decision in taking Oratane which is also known as Isotretinoin. I am unsure of other countries but I am from New Zealand so I was prescribed to a medication called Oratane instead of Accutane or Roaccutane which are mainly used in the states or other countries.

More Information on Oratane:

During my appointment, I have talked to my family doctor about my acne.

A little background about my acne skin: During the stage of puberty around age 13, I had a horrible outbreak on my forehead which lasted till today. I am 19 years old now and I'm still battling acne on my forehead. It has spread towards both of my cheeks and my back. My back is quite bad, filled with acne everywhere and I think I have made it worse by scratching. I have tried everything but nothing seems to work. So I turn to Oratane. I was fine with having acne situated on my forehead in year 2011 and it didn't look too bad covering with makeup. As time goes by, I found my acne on my forehead getting worse and worse during the end of year 2011 so I stopped wearing makeup in total and it has been a good 4 months since I've stopped makeup. Since I stopped, I changed my skincare regime thinking that it could be my skincare products that I'm using. However, it wasn't my makeup or my skincare product that is causing my acne to flare and spread towards my cheeks, lower jaw and back. It was just my acne flaring up. All my brothers have had Oratane medication in the past and have healed completely or left with redness scarring which will go away in time, so one of my brother persuaded to look up on Oratane and that it could help me. Fed up I was, I was finally convinced and I told my mother to call the family doctor for an appointment as soon as possible.

I guess acne do run in the family.

So back to where I was, my family doctor allowed me to take Oratane and I was told that if I was sexually active, I must take 1) birth control pills and 2) condoms and apparently one of the guidelines was to be on birth control pills for 1 month before taking Oratane. Luckily, I was already on the 3rd month of taking birth control pills so everything was going smooth.

I was given an information packet on Oratane and a patient consent form for Isotretinoin which basically needs my signature and agreeing that I do understand the side effects of Isotretinoin. Then, I was given another paper which I was to go to a Labtest to have my blood drawn and I was NOT allowed to eat or drink 8 hours before going to get my blood test taken. It is called 8 hours fasting.

And, I was told to get my blood test taken the next day in the morning. It was hard trying not to eat anything or drink anything during the span of 8 hours but I survived. I was so thirsty though!

There goes my first blogspot on my first visit to the doctors regarding Oratane.

Signing off,